Waldorf Inspired Nature School year of starting fall 2025-2026
This learning environment has been established five years on a lovely permaculture farm in Naples, FL. This program is based in an outdoor large Gazebo styled structure and outdoor in nature with multi-ages k-7. We accept 9-10 kids for the program a year.
Looking for someone with some Waldorf experience or education, proficient and multi grade teaching, lover of animals and nature, gardening a plus, artistic is a plus.
The farm offers some rental unit available on site yet this is separate from the job/pay.
Hours are 9:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday
Paid Holidays (3 weeks) but not sick days
Pay about 32k with extra lesson planning hours a year and holiday pay. It is a 4 day a week and 9 months a year. We also have possibly of a 1-2 day week position. We start Sept and go to end of May.
www.sacredsoulfarm.com for location and farm info. We rent the site but owner helps when needed.