Waldorf Teachers.com - Waldorf Employment in Waldorf Schools

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Standard Listing


1 job

180 days

Jobs are posted immediately and last for 180 days.

Please make sure that you choose the correct category for your post.

Featured Listing


1 job

50 days

Important payment note: If you get to the payment page and the space for your credit card number doesn't show up on the page, please try incognito mode. That should work. If it doesn't, then please switch to another browser. The secure payment system is sometimes confused by extensions on your browser, especially Chrome. If you're still having problems, please call us at 970-234-1641, Mountain time. Thank you for your support!

Featured listings receive more attention and stay at the top of the list.

Featured listings stay at the top of their job section (i.e. Grades, Kindergarten, Languages) and are highlighted in yellow. Teachers looking for a job always see them first when they are searching their section.

They also stay at the top of the job listings home page and are highlighted in yellow.

Featured jobs are posted immediately and last for 60 days.

Please make sure that you choose the correct category for your post.

Priority Listing


1 job

30 days

Important payment note: If you get to the payment page and the space for your credit card number doesn't show up on the page, please try incognito mode. That should work. If it doesn't, then please switch to another browser. The secure payment system is sometimes confused by extensions on your browser, especially Chrome. If you're still having problems, please call us at 970-234-1641, Mountain time. Thank you for your support!

Priority listings receive the most attention and stay at the very top of the list, above the featured listings.

Priority listings stay at the very top of their job section (i.e. Grades, Kindergarten, Languages) and are highlighted in red. Teachers looking for a job always see them first when they are searching their section.

They also stay at the top of the job listings home page and are highlighted in red.

Priority listings are featured in each Monday's edition of the Waldorf Today newsletter. It's the world's largest Waldorf newsletter and is sent out every Monday to 10,000 subscribers.

Your listing is featured in the newsletter for the duration of the priority listing. Newsletters are published every Monday with the exception of a week off in July and a week off in August, as well as the exception of the Monday of Thanksgiving week. There is also a two week break at Christmas.

Priority jobs are posted immediately and last for 30 days.

Please make sure that you choose the correct category for your post.

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Standard Listing Free

Total Free