SunRidge Charter School is a parent-initiated school of the Twin Hills Union School District that was created to bring the best of Waldorf methods and philosophy to public sector. Embracing Waldorf curriculum and methods, SunRidge is guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education, and addresses the whole child, framing rigorous academics in an artistic, creative and multi-sensory curriculum. Our method follows a developmental model that respects the nature of children and how they best learn. A play-based, half-day Kindergarten resists the current cultural trend for “more-sooner-faster,” allowing young children to enjoy the wonder childhood through imaginative play.
In the grades, the SunRidge curriculum covers an exceptional range. Core subjects taught in three- to four-week-long Main Lesson blocks, immersing the students in language arts, math, science, geography and history. Concepts are interwoven throughout the curriculum and are taught though oral presentations, writing, reading, recitation, drama, painting, drawing and movement. This multi-dimensional approach engages students in a powerful and concentrated experience and promotes active listening, memory, imagination and vocabulary. Enrichment subjects, most taught by specialty teachers, include Spanish, singing, flute and recorder, violin, painting, drawing, modeling, knitting, sewing, woodworking, drama and movement.