Our school began in 2015 as an educational initiative led by a small, dedicated group of parents and teachers seeking a holistic and nurturing education for children living in Cyprus. Since then, we have grown into a full Waldorf program, the only one of its kind on the island. Our international focus attracts families from all over the world who share the similar values around education and parenting.The Waldorf School of Limassol is fully accredited by the International Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ICSWE).
The Waldorf School of Limassol is the perfect choice for thoughtful parents who are committed to:
A natural and healthy lifestyle
An education that supports holistic child development – cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual,
A firm, but thoughtful and loving approach to discipline
The establishment of deep, long-term relationships with children and the greater school community
Continuous self-development not only for personal growth, but also to reflect values worthy of imitation by our children
A peaceful and harmonious school environment
Protecting the sanctity of childhood by allowing children to unfold in their own time by limiting the influence of media and rejecting a “fast-forward” approach to education
Our responsibility as global citizens to care for the environment, accept people of all backgrounds and origins, and get involved with worthy social projects