Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School is an independent, private, co-educational Waldorf school offering education from playgroup to Class 12 (Year 13) in Aotearoa New Zealand.
It is located in Auckland’s Waitākere Ranges on 29 hectares of native bush bordering the Manukau Harbour. It is a safe, peaceful and natural learning haven only minutes from the vibrant Titirangi village and 30 minutes from downtown Auckland.
The school has a roll of around 250 students from Nursery through to Class 12 (Year 13), a playgroup, 30 staff and teachers and a diverse mix of children with families from all around the world.
Community spirit, on which our school was founded 36 years ago, is alive within an engaged community. Parents help with festivals, fundraisers, working bees and class trips and camps.