Jobs at Two Waldorf Educators/Social Scientist seeking for a new challenge (worldwide)
Browse jobs at Two Waldorf Educators/Social Scientist seeking for a new challenge (worldwide).
We are a couple from Germany looking for a new challenge abroad to bring in our skills and to develope them further!
We are open for different positons as we bring experience from various fields target groups.
About us:
Degrees: Bachelor in Social Science with Specialization in Intercultural Relations & State certified Waldorf Educator
Languages: German (Mother Tongue), English (Fluent), Suaheli (intermediate), Russian (Intermediate), Aranic (Beginner)
Passions: Arts (Playing Music, Theater, Photography), travelling, learn about new cultures and languages.
Work Experience: I have a wide range of experience in working with people all ages (Kindergarten, School, NGO's, Childrens Home, Street Children Centers, Initial Reception Centers, Refugee Camps and International Schools).
Degrees: State certified Waldorf Educator
Languages: Arabic (Mother Tongue), German (C1 Level), English (intermediate)
Passions: Sports, Health & Nutrition, Languages, Theater
Work Experience: I have worked in a Waldorf School for children with social and emotional challenges, in the aftercare, Kindergarten, in initial reception centers for refugees as well as in NGOs.
If you think we could fit in your team we will be more than happy to hear from you!